How much does insurance cover cost?

How much does insurance cover cost?

We have two types of insurance cover

1. Cubic Basic Insurance:  We will only cover up to £30 per box in compensation if they are missing at no cost to you.

2. Cubic Plus Insurance: We will only cover up to £200 per box/item in compensation if they are missing at £5 per box. You have to insurance all boxes in your order.  


1. Cubic酷比基本保險: 當整箱貨/行李遺失時, 我們提供 30英鎊/箱 的賠償金額

2. Cubic Plus Insurance 酷比Plus保險:  只需額外5英鎊/箱的費用, 我們提供多最200鎊 /箱的整箱貨物/行李遺失的賠償, 如需此服務請和我們服務人員聯繫,此服務需在英國端收件前就備註清楚
